Donor Recognition
Thank you for your support

Dean's Leadership Founder ($10,000+)
Ms. Regina Balderas
Mrs. Beth and Mr. Dan Bellow
Mrs. T. and Mr. Jeffrey Berlat
The Honorable Alonzo and Mrs. Yolanda Cantu
The Honorable Michael and Mrs. Rebecca Cemo
Mr. Kenneth Croft
Mrs. Nan Daniels
Mr. Misael De Paz
Mohammed and Habiba Dhanani
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Debra Dishberger
Mrs. Elaine W. Finger
Mrs. Rodi and Mr. Robert Franco
Mr. Steven and Mrs. Hilda Goodman
Mr. Joe Gutierrez, Jr. and Mrs. Faith Gutierrez
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Jill Hainkel
Mr. John Hammond
Mr. David Hendricks
Mr. William Hickl, III and Mrs. Michelle Hickl
Mr. John Hovas
Mr. Mohammed Lakhany
Mr. Azad Lalani
Mr. Aylwin and Mrs. Noveline Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lyon
The Honorable Beth Madison
Mr. Dan and Mrs. Jennifer Meaux
Mr. William and Mrs. Wendy Moreland
Mr. Robert Morgan, III and Mrs. Judy Morgan
Mr. Paul Peacock
Mr. Dennis and Ms. Ann Phillips
Mrs. Karen and Mr. William Pitts
Mr. Richard and Ms. Dawn Rawson
Mrs. Leslie and Mr. Russ Robinson
Samuel and Ellen Schreiber
Mrs. Judy Stover
Dr. Suresh Sundaram and Dr. Anuradha Sivaraman
Ms. Kristin Triolo
Mr. Greg and Mrs. Ann Turner
Mr. John and Mrs. Carol Warley
Mr. Trey and Mrs. Kimberly Wilkinson
Ms. Beth Williams
Mrs. Cyvia Wolff
Deloitte Foundation
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Ernst & Young U.S. LLP
EY Foundation
Finger Family Foundation, Marvy
Franco Family Charitable Fund of Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
General Motors Corporation
Global Charitable Foundation Inc.
Goodman Financial Corporation
Grant Thornton
H-E-B Grocery Company
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Impact Competition Foundation
Institute of Internal Auditors Houston Chapter
Jack E. and Greta W. Stalsby Foundation
Jones Lang LaSalle Inc.
LB Consolidated LLC
Madison Charitable Foundation Inc.
Marathon Oil Corporation
Marine Insurance Seminars Inc.
Melvyn & Cyvia Wolff Family Fund Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Michael & Debra Dishberger Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Michael & Rebecca Cemo Foundation
Moss Adams Foundation
Northwestern Mutual
One Family Foundation
Phillips 66
Plains State Bank
PNC Foundation
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Ranger Steel
Rushing River Foundation
Shell USA Inc.
TC Energy
Techtrans International Inc.
The Heard & Hearn Charitable Fund of The AYCO Charitable Foundation
Urban Land Institute
Wallis Bank
Walter P. Moore and Associates Inc.
Wayne Duddlesten Foundation
Weaver and Tidwell LLP
Wells Fargo & Company
Wells Fargo Foundation
The Williams Companies Inc.
Williams Foundation
Yes Energy
ZTTL Hospitality LLC
Dean's Leadership Patron ($5,000-$9,999)
Mrs. Jenee and Mr. William Bobbora
Mr. Kem and Mrs. Susan Coulter
Dr. Keith and Mrs. Sue Cox
Mrs. Barbara and Mr. Glen Farber
Mr. John and Mrs. Sara Fenoglio
Mr. John Foley
Mr. Colleen Healy
Mr. William and Mrs. Sarah Hurt
Ms. Qiana James
Mr. Valle Kauniste and Ms. Lori Kauniste
Ms. Kelly Knox
Mr. Jason Wells and Ms. Jenny Koehler
The Honorable Jack and Mrs. Debrah Moore
Ms. Christine Ngo
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Benson Parsons
Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Colette Parsons
Mr. Carlo and Mrs. Kristen Pippolo
Mr. Arnulfo and Mrs. Yesenia Ramirez
Mr. Brad and Mrs. Deborah Sondock
Mrs. Christina and Mr. Kweli Thompson
Mr. John Walsh
Mrs. Carol and Mr. John Warley
Mr. Jason Wells and Ms. Jenny Koehler
Ms. Valerie Williams
BMW West
Camden Property Trust
Chevron Phillips Chemical Co. LP
Chevron USA Incorporated
Coulter Family Fund of FCGF
David B. Hendricks II Foundation
Exxon Mobil Foundation-Educational
Fidelity Brokerage Services
Garcia Hamilton & Associates
Greater Houston Business Ethics Roundtable
Independent Financial
JCC Management LLC
Motiva Enterprises LLC
Raising Canes Restaurants LLC
Retail Properties Group
The Rotary Club of Houston Downtown
Smith-Phares Memorial Scholarship Fund
Texas Capital Bank
Vallensons' Brewing Company LLC
Dean's Leadership Associate ($1,000-$4,999)
Mr. Justin and Mrs. Susannah Abbott
Dr. Elizabeth Anderson Fletcher
Ms. Oluwatamilore Osama Ayo Idowu
Mr. Dion and Mrs. Gail Bledsoe
Mr. Alexis Borja
Mr. Paul Bowman
Ms. Ember Cain
Mr. Carl Detering, Jr. and Mrs. Kit Detering
Mr. Steven and Mrs. Sharon Diamond
Xuan Do
Mr. Gordon Dobner
Mrs. Amy Corrin Eaves
Mrs. Marta Engram
Mr. David Fowler
Mr. Raymond Garcia
Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Lauren Gervasio
Mr. Cecil and Mrs. Sharon Griffin
Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Lisa Guidry
Mr. Leonard Gutierrez and Mrs. Monica Verduzco-Gutierrez
Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Kellie Hampton
Mr. C. and Ms. Lisa Harper
Mr. Rodney and Mrs. Denise Heisch
Mr. William Hicks
Mr. Hung Hoang
Mr. Khai Huynh
Mr. Joseph Jett
Mr. Firoz Jhaver
Dr. Kathryn and Mr. John Keeton
Mr. Frank Kelley
Mr. Edward and Mrs. Claire Kerr
Mr. Raza Khan
Mr. Scott and Mrs. Carol Loomis
Mrs. Lauren Marouni
Ms. Kimberly McKay
Mrs. Barbara Merriwether
Mr. Mark and Mrs. Heather Mize
Mr. David and Mrs. RoDona Oliver
Mr. Ricardo Ortega
Mr. Ronnie Patel
Mr. Tien Pham
Mrs. Linda Pierce and Mr. R. Pierce, Jr.
Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Jennifer Pipkin
Mr. Larry Plilar
Michael Porter, Jr. and Callie Porter
Ms. Whitney Randolph
Mr. Justin Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Roth
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Barbara Roth
Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Esmeralda Saxenian
Mr. Charles Schmidt
Stephen Sihelnik
Mrs. Diane and Mr. James Simper
Ms. Ashley Sims
Mr. Mitchell and Mrs. Twee Sosa
Dr. Bette Stead
Mrs. Patricia and Mr. L. Stine
Mr. George Storey
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Mary Tange
Mr. Christopher Tansil
Thi Oanh O Tran
Mr. Mark and Mrs. Elaine Trevithick
Mr. Jon Unroe
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Welesko
Mr. Brian West
Mr. Christopher Wick
Mr. Richard Welesko and Mrs. Lian Zhang
40 Plus BBQ Kooking Team
Amegy Bank Foundation
Andersen Tax
Axiom Merchant Solutions LLC
The Bank of America Foundation
BP America Inc.
Career Spring
Cima ServicesLP
The Coca Cola Company
Dell Inc.
DFW Lee & Associates LLC-Houston
Edward & Claire Kerr Charitable Gift Fund of the FCGF
Exxon Mobil Corporation
FORVIS - Matching Arm
Fowler Family Charitable Fund of VC
Fresh Start Home Services, LLC
Google Inc.
Grant Thornton LLP
GSR Restaurants LLC
Hancock Whitney
Heritage Wealth Management
Hicks Family Charitable Fund of SCF
Intx Capital LLC
Kellogg Sales Co
KPMG Foundation
Linda & Xavier Stokes Family Fund at Schwab Charitable
Lummis Consulting Services LLC
Mosaic Wealth Partners LLC
New York Life Foundation
Oyvey Trading LLC
PKF Texas
Red Swan CRE
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Sno Me The Money Inc.
SSHW Barber Family Fund of Arizona Community Foundation
State Farm Companies Foundation
Tange, Mann & Garza, P.C.
Ten Gallon LLC Dba Luxo Exotics
The Riot Comedy Club
The Weenie Wagon
TNT Shirts
Toug & Lindsay Plilar Schwab CF
Umbrage Studios LLC
Whitley Penn LLP
Yoyo's Hot Dog