Technological Future
Bauer Experts Weigh in on What Graduates Can Expect in the Changing Job Market

As the latest class of graduating students from the C. T. Bauer College of Business enters the job market, the journey they face is drastically different to the standard of just a few years ago.

Jamie Belinne, Associate Dean for Career and Industry Engagement
Jamie Belinne, Associate Dean for Career and Industry Engagement
From finding a job to excelling in the workplace, advancements in technology have continued to alter nearly every aspect of the industry. Associate Dean for Career and Industry Engagement Jamie Belinne says that the standard principles have stayed the same, even with these changes.
“The best way to get jobs and advance in them is still networking,” Belinne said. “In the past, you built your brand by going to networking events, but now you must also use LinkedIn and other social platforms. It is critical that you understand how to use these tools effectively to connect with potential employers.”
Finding work is just the beginning of the process, as many industries are undergoing major changes in the face of these ongoing technological developments, including the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). Bauer College Dean and Cullen Distinguished Chair Professor Paul A. Pavlou has made it the college’s mission to educate students so they are prepared to excel in every field with the help of technology.
“Ultimately, technology will continue to transform professions over the next 10 years,” Pavlou said. “The more immediate change is that AI is a valuable technology that can help us improve our work. AI will not replace you per se, but what would replace you is someone who knows how to use AI.”

Paul A. Pavlou, Dean and Cullen Distinguished Chair Professor
Paul A. Pavlou, Dean and Cullen Distinguished Chair Professor
With the launch of the Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Institute, Bauer has become a driving force for educating students on AI with courses offered on the topic and future plans to develop non-degree certificates.
With courses like these offered at Bauer, the importance of finding a middle ground between AI and interpersonal skills cannot be overstated, Belinne said.
“Communication skills are critical in every field,” she added. “That and the ability to analyze and explain data is becoming increasingly important with the enhancement of data analytics and AI. The ability to use information to solve problems and explain to people what it means, that’s going to be the future of most careers.”
As Bauer graduates prepare to enter the next chapter of their lives, technological advancements are right alongside them, creating new opportunities to be explored.
“It is such an exciting time to be graduating because there are so many jobs out there that were not even in existence when these students started college,” Belinne said. “It’s a really fun time to go and explore all the possibilities out there.”
Pavlou added: “The students graduating from Bauer are very well prepared for the future ahead of them because of the training they receive. We are committed to educating students with the latest knowledge in the leading-edge technology. The education they receive at Bauer will help them stand atop of the changing landscape of the workforce for years to come.”