Set Up for Success
Bauer Staff Share Advice for a Successful Semester
Packed schedules, exams, projects and attending events — a new semester may seem pretty overwhelming.
But don’t worry! Bauer College staff are here to help you get through it all.
We spoke with a few of staff, and here’s the advice they’d give students to make it your best year yet!
Director, Major Advising
Undergraduate Business Programs
“I would tell students to keep in contact with their advisors and professors when they need help!”
Program Manager, Undergraduate Student Organizations and Activities
“My biggest recommendation for students looking to get involved in a student organization is find the one organization that best aligns to your values and goals for the semester. Do your research on social media, go to events like the Bauer Involvement Fair on Aug. 26- 29.”
Career Development Specialist
Rockwell Career Center
“Utilize all the resources available to you on campus.”
Administrative Director
Bauer Honors Program
“I always tell students to try to make at least one friend in every class. This will help motivate you to go to class (so you can catch up with your friend) and give you a person to contact if you miss something in class and need clarification.”

Director of Student Success
Undergraduate Business Programs
“Write your goals down. Put them where you can see them each day, and anything you spend time on needs to be a direct reflection of a goal you've set for yourself. Time management is key to your success!”
Academic Advisor
Undergraduate Business Programs
“I have three pieces of advice: Take it one assignment at a time. If you start to feel overwhelmed, take a little break, and never forget — you can do this!”
Program Director
Experiential Learning
“Say ‘yes’ to new opportunities — you never know where you may find new career goals, friends or mentors.”
Academic Advisor III
Undergraduate Business Programs
“Schedule an advising appointment early for next semester (preferably in September). This way you stay on track with courses and have a plan when courses open.”

Academic Advisor, Bauer Honors Program
Director, Bauer in D.C. Fellowship Program
“My best advice would be the following:
Introduce yourself to your professors either during your class or in their office hours. They want to know you and they want to help you.
Use the LAUNCH and Bauer tutoring services. Your student fees pay for these resources, please take advantage of them.
Get involved! Check out the Bauer Involvement Fair and join an organization that looks interesting. When you get involved, you become connected to Bauer and you reap so many benefits: new friends, shared experiences, professional development, networking practice, career direction, etc.
Bauer is AWESOME! The faculty and staff want to assist you. Don’t hesitate to reach out when you need help.”
Director, Undergraduate Career Counseling
Rockwell Career Center
“Use a calendar for tests, assignments, deadlines and career events, but use the calendar that works best for you. If you're a phone person, use your phone. You don't need to try and change to a paper calendar if that is not what is best for you (and vice versa).”